How To Use Crutches Cane And Handle Cane Correctly?

March 12,2021

Elderly people or family members with leg injuries can avoid more injuries caused by improper use. Do they really know how to use crutches and handle canes correctly?


Crutches and handle canes are auxiliary devices commonly used when people have lower limbs inconvenience. For example, patients with severe hip joint, knee arthritis, or foot and ankle disease. It is also recommended for elderly people who have no injuries but have inconvenient legs and feet.


Crutches and handle canes can prevent the affected limb from bearing weight, help maintain body balance, and make daily life safer.


 crutches cane


3 Tips to use crutches cane correctly


1. When choosing a crutches, pay attention to its quality, and it must be stable.


The rubber pad of the armpit support part should be elastic, and the bottom end of the crutches should have a rubber tip.


You can choose to use a walking stick if you feel weak in your body or legs, walking wobbly, sprained and painful lower extremity joints, or have knee osteoarthritis.


2. Pay attention to the correct height and support method


When standing upright, the upper edge of the crutches should be about 2 fingers under the armpit.


The armrest of the crutches should be at the height of the hip line, or where the hands are drooping when standing, and the position of the wrists.


When holding the armrest, the elbow joint bends slightly.


In order to prevent damage to the nerves and blood vessels under the armpits, when standing and walking, the body should be supported by hands instead of the armpits.


3. Maintain the correct posture when walking


When walking, lean forward slightly and move about 30 cm forward with crutches.


At the beginning, it seems to be going forward with the injured leg, but in fact it is to move the weight onto the crutches. The body moved forward between the crutches, and finally it was supported on the ground with a good leg. When the legs stand firm, move forward with crutches to prepare for the next step. When walking, look ahead, not under your feet.


When sitting, turn your back to a stable chair (preferably with armrests). Hand the crutches to one hand, touch the chair back with the other hand, and then sit down slowly. After sitting down, turn the crutches upside down and place them within reach of your side to prevent the crutches from slipping.


When you want to stand up, move your body forward slightly, put your crutches on the hand on the side of your injured leg, prop up your body, and use your legs to support it.


When going up and down the stairs, hold the handrails with one hand and the crutches with the other. When going upstairs, the good leg is in front and the injured leg is behind. Use the good leg to carry the injured leg. When going downstairs, the injured leg is in front and the good leg is behind. Jump off with good legs one by one. If the stairs don't have handrails, you can only jump up and down with your arms on crutches.


Remember: "Good legs go up first, bad legs go down first."


3 Tips for the correct use of handle cane


1. The cane should be held with the hand on one side of the leg. The left leg is injured, and the right hand is on the cane; the right leg is injured, and the left is on the cane.


2. When walking, take a small step forward with the cane, take the injured leg, and then take a good leg. In this way, the good leg is used as the center of gravity to support, and the body is slightly inclined to the side of the good leg, which can significantly reduce the weight of the injured leg.


3. When going down the stairs, the use of a walking stick is the same as that of a crutches, but also remember that "good legs go up first, bad legs go down first."


adjustable handle cane


Here is a nice handle cane for your option, shop adjustable handle cane.


3 Situations where crutches should be used


1. Poor balance


When the elderly are in action, if they feel that their body balance is not good and need support to maintain their body balance, they should use crutches.


2. Poor eyesight


Elderly people with poor eyesight should also use crutches to help avoid obstacles and dangers on the way.


3. Osteoporosis


After examination, elderly people with severe osteoporosis are more likely to fall. It is also recommended to use crutches to prevent falls and injuries.


Some people are afraid of being dependent on this, but this is not necessary. You don’t need to continue using it after the illness is cured.


For the elderly, it will be more convenient after regular use, but it will help to move their legs and feet more and maintain their health.


Click here to view reasons for investing in a folding walking stick cane. If you also need maintenance tips of wood walking cane, view here.